A Place Where Miracles Happen 

Sunday School

Sunday School

"I was about ten years old and the Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Foster, was teaching about Jesus loving everybody and never hating. I can remember walking home from church that Sunday and thinking: Wow, when I grow up I want to be just like Jesus, love everybody and never hate. When I grew older, the ways of life crowded out that desire and I stumbled through darkness with no real direction in my life. At the age of twenty I stumbled into a United Pentecostal Church and repented of my sins, got baptized in Jesus name and was filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in other tongues as the spirit gave the utterance. What a beautiful experience and as I rediscovered the love of Jesus for me, I couldn't help but think of Mrs. Foster and her teaching. Thank you Mrs. Foster for teaching me about the love of Jesus."
Matt Chubboy, Associate Pastor PCupc

It is our goal to introduce every child to the love of Jesus during their visit to Perry County United Pentecostal Church. With puppets, colorful lessons and hands-on craft workshop to illustrate God's love for each and everyone of us.

We like to say that our time in Sunday School is a time of "Fun with no Guilt!"

We look forward to seeing you and your family soon.

Pastor Dennis and Rene Breland 
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